Connection Requirements
1 - IP
IP address of the ManageEngine host.
2 - Port
Port number (optional, default: 8020)
3 - Domain
Domain of the ManageEngine .
4 - Username
The credentials for a user account that has the Required Permissions to fetch assets.
5 - Password
The Password of the provided username.
To generate a password:
1.From Desktop Central's web console, navigate to Admin -> API Explorer.
2.On the left pane, click Authentication -> Login.
3.Choose the authentication type as either Local authentication or AD authentication and furnish the user name and password.
4.You will receive a password from this field.
5.Use that password in the Password field.
6 - QR Code
Save and upload the received QR code as a "PNG" or "JPG" file.
To generate qr code, you need to "Regenerate QR Code" from User Administration > Action path.
7 - SSL
Use SSL for connection(optional,default:False)
8 - Version
Version of the ManageEngine DC.
Please perform a connection test to ensure there is a valid connection to the ManageEngine Desktop Central host. When the discovery operation finalized you will be able to see the details on Assets page.
Last updated