Servicenow CMDB

Connection Requirements

1 - Domain

The domain of the Servicenow CMDB

Default: {instance}

2 - Username

The username which is going to be used by OctoXLabs CSAM PLATFORM Asset to fetch data from Servicenow CMDB.

To Create a User:

  1. Log in to the ServiceNow admin panel and click to User Administration.

  2. Click Users and New then fill in the detail

  3. After that search the user in Users screen and click Edit.

  4. The user needs these roles:

    • itil

    • rest_api_explorer

    • web_service_admin

  5. Click Save after that click Update .

3 - Password

The Password of the provided username.)


Please perform a connection test to ensure there is a valid connection to the Servicenow CMDB host. When the discovery operation finalized you will be able to see the details on Assets page.

Last updated